New Beginnings
To start a blog is a great leap of faith, in my opinion. Posting your life and work for the world to see, read, judge, admire or most dauntingly...criticise. However, thinking about it carefully we do this everyday. We step out of our homes and into the world...a world that judges, admires or criticises. We have to learn to live with all these aspects, however hard. Be brave.
So this is me being courageous...but up until now I haven't used that guise but rather 'proactive.' I have always done what has been expected of me, school, college, university, "good job." However, now married and having worked hard at a career I both love but loathe, I feel I need to pursue something that gets me excited once more. Become passionate again.
I teach. I love to teach but I don't always love being a teacher. If you're a teacher you will probably get this. 6 years I have taught and I cannot say it makes me truly happy. I love being in my classroom with my pupils and listening and learning with them everyday. Coming home and telling Mr S about the funny little things they say...But more and more the outside factors of the job take an emotional strain and consume much of my free time. My family time.
So photography is my new venture. On my Christmas list this year was a "proper camera with lenses" and following the safe arrival of said camera, a photography course to show me how to use the 'proper' camera...properly! Both were received gratefully and now I have no excuse.
So where do I start?
1. Camera - CHECK
2. Photography course voucher - CHECK
3. January Photo Challenge - CHECK
4. Start a blog - CHECK
5. Book course date
6. Begin snapping
(I love when to-do lists can be checked off immediately).
So here is to year of biting-the-bullet!
I hope you enjoy the ride
:: BOBS ::
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